<aside> 💡 I build to validate ideas, and often the output is code, but I’ve recently begun to move away from code. I do want to eventually return to building tech, perhaps when I have more time for it.



I’m building SustainAPI, a Shopify like storefront for companies selling DAC credits. The vision is to build an operating system for carbon sink companies so that they can focus on what they do best - saving the planet.


I also built Coua, a climate focused spend management app that offsets every purchase you make instantly. I talked to tons of users and tried fundraising, but ultimately realized that the success of the product hinged on one critical factor - changing user behavior irrevocably. While we could have gone down that path, it felt several degrees of magnitude harder than getting the user to just use our product when there was a clear need. So we shut down operations (temporarily). I decided to explore elsewhere but in the same space.

Post College

I started Silicon Subcontinent, a podcast to connect with Indian founders, investors, and policy makers.

My motivation to build Silicon Subcontinent was:

  1. The Indian startup ecosystem reached out a tipping point as I was in college and I couldn’t keep up with it. I’ve always wanted to go back to India and build an enduring, mission driven company, and I thought I should learn more about the ecosystem while doing so.
  2. It was opportunity to learn more about topics that I’m not deeply familiar with, such as robotics, climate, and crypto. Speaking to Indian entrepreneurs working on problems considered difficult even by US equivalents was insightful.


I lucked into joining RiceApps and Rice Ventures, two organizations that helped me channel programming into building something. While I didn’t start either clubs, I’m proud to have left them both in a better state by the time I graduated.

At RiceApps, I worked on some kickass projects and mentored several students technically and personally. Few projects that I’m proud of:

While at RiceApps, I made great friends, (hopefully) helped people, and built stuff that people used.