When was the last time you shopped?

Q 3 days ago, mom’s bday, before month ago

P september

how often do you shop?

Q 1-2 Times a month

P once a year, when the need arises

Would you like to shop more or less? Why?

Q less maybe, unsure. More sustainable and takes up less space in NYC.

P more, want to shop for my gf. Want to buy her stuff

When you’re shopping, what are some of the factors you prioritize when buying clothes?

Q high quality fabrics, sustainability and its impact. Willing to pay more if it’s sustainable. I need to know it does not bleed micro plastics into the water so nothing plastic bases. Natural fabrics only. Sales also are great + style.

I never buy from shein and stuff cause if the unethical labor practices but I don’t research it before hand. Unless it came up in the news I wouldn’t know though.

P uniqueness of the piece. Want to see clothes you wouldn’t find anywhere else.I do try to consider the ethical stuff but it’s hard cause almost every brand has issues.

In what area of your life do you practice sustainability? Provide an example of the last time you did that.

Q public transport when we commute. Thrifting clothes. Reusable bags.

P public transport + reusing things, I don’t seek out stuff that’s new for the sake of it.

Have you ever bought anything because it was sustainable? Why/ why not?

Q yes - everlane. Makes me want to buy stuff more.

P I’ve only ever had the opposite. I find out something is bad ethics wise so I don’t buy it instead.

Would you be willing to Venmo me $10 right now if I told you that those $10 would offset the impact of your previous 5 purchases? Why / why not?