<aside> 💡 TL;DR, consumption of household goods and services contributes 60% of the world’s total greenhouse emissions. We need more systems that support an easy, sustainable lifestyle for every individual to tackle climate change in a reasonable timeframe.


Here are some of the common issues that consumers bring up when asked whether they would consider living sustainably:

  1. Sustainable alternatives are too expensive
  2. I don’t know where to find them easily
  3. What even is sustainable, and what isn’t?

There are already tools that answer these question quite well, at least certainly to a degree where we should see a much higher consumer adoption, but we don’t. Why haven’t these tools caught on?

Let’s reframe these questions slightly:

  1. Sustainable alternatives are too expensive for the return on investment
  2. I don’t know where to find them for the return on investment
  3. Can I trust what even is sustainable, and what isn’t?

We can increase return on investment through lower costs, and higher returns. It increasingly seems like higher returns are unlikely to materialize directly given how abstracted away the average consumer is from the direct impact of climate change.

Instead, let’s build systems for living that treat sustainability as a foundation rather than an afterthought.