Currently a template I’d like to modify from Cassidy Fein’s README she published on Reforge. (6/15/23). Thanks Cassidy!

Hi! 👋

I’m Shryans Goyal.

I’m really excited to work with you, either as your manager or as a colleague.

I’ve created this README to help others understand what it might be like to work with me and to accelerate our working relationship, especially as I tend to work remotely.

This artifact is never meant to suggest how you should work, or suggest you modify anything you’re doing (and if it comes off that way, let me know! I love FEEDBACK).

I work as transparently as possible - my calendar is public by default.

About me

I love solving hard problems for real human beings - both for our users, as well as for each other.

I’ve worked in product management nearly my entire career and am incredibly passionate about it. I teach for Mind the Product in my spare time, and will occasionally coach PMs early in their career.

I’ve worked remotely for the last ~10 years, and strongly believe in the power and value of remote work. I love chatting about this, please bend my ear if you’re also passionate (for or against it!).

I’ve worked in B2B SaaS my entire career, mainly focused on enterprise. I love growing and scaling teams, fostering culture, and accomplishing big hairy audacious goals. I’ve worked at companies from 5 employees to 1500+ employees, and am familiar with the norms and frustrations that come with scale, especially with hyper-growth.

I’m based in Brooklyn’s Prospect Heights, and have a husband, a newborn daughter, and a dog. Hobbies include reading (always happy to talk book recs), cooking, painting, and MTG nights with friends.

You can learn more about my work at, or just look at cute pictures of my dog on her instagram.

Day to Day

You can Slack me 24 hours a day. It’s my preferred communication medium. I like responding quickly. Otherwise I typically check my email 1-2x/day.

I treat iMessage as a red alert - if you ever need to reach me, my cell is [redacted]. I will respond as soon as reasonably possible.

Sometimes I work odd hours. This is my choice. I never expect you to work on the weekend or outside your normal working hours. I might Slack you things, but it can always wait until work begins for you.

I take vacations. You should, too. If you haven’t taken one in a while or seem like you need some time away, I will suggest it. I’ve been

burned out before and it is absolutely awful, so I try to get ahead of it for both of us.