When was the last time you shopped?

Jan 2023, clothes and shoes. Wanted a new wardrobe for college.

how often do you shop?

2-3 times a year.

Would you like to shop more or less? Why?

Less. I buy stuff I thought I needed but didn’t actually need. I want to shop more consciously based on my needs.

When you’re shopping, what are some of the factors you prioritize when buying clothes?

I don’t get to shop alone yet much but when I do:

I check if i already have clothes like this and if they’re in good condition - do I need this?

I then check if it’s going to look stylish and make me look good.

Then I check if they’re sustainable. That’s something that’s really important to me.

Last priority is the branding. I don’t super care about the company.

In what area of your life do you practice sustainability? Provide an example of the last time you did that.

Buying things - especially clothes. Food choices as well - I try to eat less meat and stick to plant based foods. I try to buy less and stick to only things I need.

Recent example: not sure.

Have you ever bought anything because it was sustainable? Why/ why not?

If I need something and it was sustainable I’m much more likely to buy that brand than another brand unless it’s crazy expensive. Whether I need it or not comes first though.

Would you be willing to Venmo me $10 right now if I told you that those $10 would offset the impact of your previous 5 purchases? Why / why not?

I would not. I know that carbon offsets are not totally legit. There’s controversy around how this is calculated. I’d need to know exactly how you offset my footprint before I pay you this money.

Unasked advice - they have to do carbon offsets well. People are skeptical of these calculations and there’s a lot greenwashing.