When was the last time you shopped? couple of weeks ago actually

How often do you shop? I don’t shop often because I’m a mom now, but it’s usually for kids. I like to shop in person a lot because I like to feel and texture the garment (assuming clothes). But I shop a lot of groceries, etc. I don’t have amazon set up for auto subscribe and stuff though.

Would you like to shop more or less? Why? I’m pretty miserly but I’d love to shop more if I could. But I don’t like shopping at Nordstrom, Amazon, etc. More vintage and thrift? Like I said, to me, feel and texture is important. Plus sizing is big issue. Vintage and thrift stores can be hard to get sizes for.

When you’re shopping, what are some of the factors you prioritize when buying clothes? Yeah, things I mentioned earlier. Not much to add there. I am price sensitive though so I shop locally and boutique stores only. I don’t mind a little extra when I want something badly though.

In what area of your life do you practice sustainability? Provide an example of the last time you did that. To be honest, not much. Other than the efficient car route planning, recycling, I guess, nothing else too much.

Have you ever bought anything because it was sustainable? Why/ why not? No not really, but it’s always a good add on. It’s never been a primary factor to go off of, but it makes me feel super duper good. So when I know it’s good for the planet

Would you be willing to Venmo me $10 right now if I told you that those $10 would offset the impact of your previous year’s purchases? Why / why not? I would just because $10 sounds like a good deal to me for all purchases in the past year. I’m a bit miserly, and I think Venmo doesn’t really work for a business (sounds shady!), but if you told me how my money was gonna get used I’d absolutely do it.