When was the last time you shopped? a month ago

How often do you shop? Once every couple of months

Would you like to shop more or less? Why? I mean, always more but money is an issue :) Ideally I can shop as much as I’d like. But yeah, even generally, if I could I would shop a little more.

When you’re shopping, what are some of the factors you prioritize when buying clothes? Texture of the clothes (how soft), transparency (shouldnt be too flimsy or transparent), fit (are they flattering), cost (would consider expensive items if extremely comfy and flattering)

In what area of your life do you practice sustainability? Provide an example of the last time you did that. My wife and I have phases, where we compost, recycle, etc. I don’t practice it all the time though.

Have you ever bought anything because it was sustainable? Why/ why not? I bought a bamboo fiber shirt solely because it was sustainable. But it was a few months ago. I wish I could shop more stuff like this more often.

Would you be willing to Venmo me $10 right now if I told you that those $10 would offset the impact of your previous 5 year’s purchases? Why / why not? Yes, no doubt. I’m willing to pay more if necessary. I feel like I don’t understand where my money is going, but you seem like a good chap so I’m ok with it!