When was the last time you shopped? 2 months ago

How often do you shop? Once every 2-3 months

Would you like to shop more or less? Why? More because I like adding new/flattering things to my wardrobe. Less because my bank balance is suffering XD

When you’re shopping, what are some of the factors you prioritize when buying clothes? Texture of the clothes (how soft), transparency (shouldnt be too flimsy or transparent), fit (are they flattering), cost (would consider expensive items if extremely comfy and flattering)

In what area of your life do you practice sustainability? Provide an example of the last time you did that. Regularly recycle, avoid plastics, try to avoid using car too much (use public transport)

Have you ever bought anything because it was sustainable? Why/ why not? I havent really gone looking for sustainable pieces but if I come across it being sold at popular outlets at a mall or something and I like it, I would purchase it

Would you be willing to Venmo me $10 right now if I told you that those $10 would offset the impact of your previous 5 purchases? Why / why not? Sure but I need to be made more aware of the impact of the purchases